Monday, April 7, 2014

Twitter + Conference = !?!?

I followed the Twitter feed for about one minute before I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I don't know if it is because I am older or what, but I felt overwhelmed by the hundreds of streams of consciousnesses that were bombarding me while I was trying to pay attention to the messages from the prophets. Also, I did not feel that it was a good use of my mental energy to read the exact same thought over and over again.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Time 2

I wrote, in a previous post, about time and how it is the most valuable commodity. Now I would like to talk about balance. When deciding how to use our time, it is important to remember "moderation in all things." Too much of a sedentary lifestyle is not good for the body because we neglect our muscles, but neither is too much exercise because we are then neglecting the need for our bodies to rest. Similarly, investing too much of our time into any one activity causes us to neglect other important aspects of our lives.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives

It used to be that at least two or three generations would come and go without any major technological revolutions. Now advances in technology are coming so quickly, it is becoming harder and harder for one generation to stay in touch with the next. Whenever my three year-old son sees me working on my laptop, he comes over and tries to touch all the icons on the screen to no avail. It always frustrates him that this never makes anything happen. A moment later, we will be playing with our iPad, and I must admit that he can already navigate it faster than I can. This shows that there is already a gap, albeit a small one, between his generation and mine. However, if I am not careful, this gap will grow to the point where I do not understand anything that is going on in his world. It is my responsibility, as it is the responsibility of all adults, to educate the next generation to keep them safe and help them succeed in their endeavors. Without understanding the technological world of the next generation, the older generation will be severely handicapped in fulfilling this responsibility.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Revolution OS: Sharing

All individuals possess unique perspectives. This includes perspectives on philosophies and solutions to problems. without sharing these perspectives, there would be no progress. I may have a solution to a problem that is effective but lacking in efficiency, while someone else has a solution that is not as as ideal, but can be arrived at much more quickly. If we combined our ideas, we would have a new solution that would be better than either of ours separately. Without his collaboration I may never figure out how to make my solution more efficient. He and I now have a choice. We can share our ideas and give the world the best product possible, or we can guard our perspectives in hopes of receiving credit and praise.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The most important thing Heavenly Father has given all His children is time. He has given all of us a chance to make the most out of this mortal existence. We can use this time to acquire knowledge, develop physical strength, and serve those around us. How to use our time is the most important decision we will ever make. One day Heavenly Father will ask us, "How did you use your time?" and we will be rewarded according to the decisions we make. This is a very personal choice, and we will never be forced one way or another. The best thing for us to do is to make use of all the wisdom around us. We are surrounded by people and books that are filled with experience and knowledge that can help us make this choice. The best source for advice is, of course, our Heavenly Father Himself. Through prayer and the influence of the Holy Ghost we can know what the best use of our time is at any point of any day.